The Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you Thymeless for nominating me! It was a surprise for sure. I didn’t think anyone would actually nominate me for anything, so thank you again, you definitely brightened my day. (Sorry it’s taken so long to type this out.)

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
4. Notify the bloggers you included.
5. Keep the rules in your post.

Questions I answered:

1) How long have you been writing simlit? Since 2001.
I started (at age 9) writing horror “SimLit” using TS1 back when you could actually upload the stories to the sims website. Then I moved to machinima for TS2. I prefer writing SimLit.

2) What is your favourite type of challenge to write/play? Why?
I prefer writing anything that I can be creative with…so right now it’s the Black Widow Challenge. I love creating twisty plots, and I know I’m good at it. I also like writing my legacy because it’s relaxing, and I love my legacy family.

3) Favourite sim in your nominated story? Why?
It’s a tie between my generation 1 heir, and the generation 1 third born.
I love the heir because they are one of the most intelligent sims I’ve ever had born in game – the only stupid thing they’ve done is try to eat cowplant cake. And they are probably the perfect genetic blend of the founders.
The third born is my favorite because they seem forgotten by the family after the co-founder died. So I kinda spoil them as much as I can.
(I say they to not spoil anything gender-wise.)

4) What other games do you like playing?
I love love looove Overwatch…which is why I’m naming my legacy sims after characters (with some exceptions) from Overwatch. I play it with my other half, and a few friends when I’m not playing the sims or watching youtube.

5) Favourite season?
Fall/Autumn. No heat, no allergies, and the colors are gorgeous.

6) Find a quote that describes you (can be from a film/book/tv/person/anything)
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” because I’m constantly dreaming about things I want to do, and sometimes I “forget” that life needs to happen in order to achieve those dreams. Fun fact: That’s my next tattoo.

7) Monty Python – yay or nay?

8) What do you do to make the resizing/editing/sorting of screencaps for your story more fun?
I listen to music and just get it done. It’s not fun but I gotta do it.

9) What is Love?
Baby don’t hurt me~
Seriously though, love is being comfortable with a person’s quirks and imperfections. Love is understanding, caring, and kind. Love can be romantic (my husband) or friendship (my best friend Anne.).

10) Best way to get rid of the hiccups?
No idea. I just ignore them.

11) Favourite book(s)?
Harry Potter series.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

I nominate:
Jes2G – Discovering Juliana
CathyTea – Wonder
MadameLee – Swanson Legacy
Friendsfans367 – Bender Legacy
Charliimai – The Simple Life of Una Reign

My Questions:
1. What inspired you to write your story?

2. Who is your favorite character in any story you’ve written?

3. Which is your favorite game from the franchise? (Including spinoffs!) Why?

4. Who is your favorite pre-made sim from the main series? (TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4)

5. Which is your favorite to read: Plot driven or Game driven?

6. Do you use CC or mods?

7. Favorite Genre of SimLit? (comedy, drama, romance…etc.)

8. Name something that was unexpected to happen in your nominated story. Did you keep it in the story or leave it out?

9. Who inspires you?

10. Favorite book?

11. Favorite movie?